
SIMbae 技術

Raleigh, NC, June 13, 2018 – Able Device, a pioneer in SIM-based IoT/M2M application technology, and Taiwan Mobile, a leading and innovative mobile IoT operator from Taiwan, have been selected to participate in GSMA's Innovation City during this year's Mobile World Congress (MWC) Shanghai. The joint demonstration will showcase enhanced IoT security using the SIM, the only standard component in all bespoke built mobile IoT devices, creating an extremely secure, standards-based IoT device architecture.

During MWC Shanghai, Able Device will demonstrate SIMbae Key Exchange Manager, ('Secure It' use case) and SIMbae Mobile IoT CPU ('Host It' use case) embedded on Taiwan Mobile SIMs (Subscriber Identity Modules) running on Taiwan Mobile's 4G network. These two high-value features illustrate SIMbae's compliance with 3GPP standards and the GSMA's guidelines for IoT application and security deployments.

The 'Secure It' use case will feature an industrial device using SIMbae's Key Exchange Manager to remotely update the IoT application's security credentials in a standards-based method that leverages the existing components of a connected device and service. Running on the device's SIM, SIMbae uses encrypted mobile messages to securely deliver an updated password or key to the device's IoT application.

The 'Host It' demonstration highlights a smart traffic light where the application is embedded on the SIM, in effect turning this standard network element into a standalone, secure, OTA updatable, IoT application processor able to control the traffic light. The solution leverages the mobile network's capabilities of secure communications and SIM provisioning and application execution.

SIMbae offers IoT security and application execution that's cost effective and massively scalable on a global basis as it works with standard mobile network elements. There's no need for costly, proprietary security chips in the device or remote over-the-top services.

"Asia is the perfect market for SIMbae as it's where hundreds of millions of IoT devices are manufactured," said Roger Dewey, Able Device CEO.  "SIMbae's standards-based offering means that it's leveraging the existing solution elements in an IoT deployment ranging from the network to the device. Because of this, manufacturers can be sure that the device security and application execution features will work no matter where the device is deployed worldwide," concluded Dewey.

"With the three major advantages of network deployment, platform establishment, and innovative application service development, Taiwan Mobile has taken the industry's leading position in collaboration with partners at home and abroad. Taiwan Mobile is collaborating with more than fifty leading companies at home and abroad to form a "large IoT ecosystem" and building the largest Internet of Things (IoT) in Taiwan to provide partners with advanced and comprehensive IoT management platforms and develop applications for smart living that meet industry and consumer needs. We are glad to work with Able Device to develop the new business opportunities," said Eddie Chan, Vice President of Taiwan Mobile.

Visit Able Device and Taiwan Mobile during MWC Shanghai 2018 in GSMA Innovation CityHall N5. 


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