
Multefire 技術

風險:訊號被WiFi 干乾擾

About the MulteFire Release 1.0 Specification

Release 1.0 specification, a key milestone in bringing MulteFire technology to market, is based on 3GPP Releases 13 and 14, and defines LTE to operate in unlicensed and shared spectrum while ensuring fair sharing of spectrum with other users and technologies. By removing the requirement for an anchor in licensed spectrum, MulteFire enables new use cases and new deployments to take advantage of the benefits of LTE technology.

Specification Capabilities

  • Builds on elements of 3GPP Release 13 License Assisted Access (LAA) for the downlink and Release 14 enhanced LAA (eLAA) for the uplink
  • Includes enhancements for operation solely in unlicensed spectrum such as robust procedures for mobility, paging, initial access and efficient uplink control channels
  • Implements Listen-Before-Talk for fair coexistence with technologies using the same spectrum such as Wi-Fi and LAA, as well as co-existence between different MulteFire networks
  • Defines a Neutral Host access mode where the same deployment can serve multiple operators, as well as a traditional access mode for a single network operator
  • Enables access authentication with or without a SIM card to provide services for subscribers from different types of service providers, including mobile operators
  • Supports a range of LTE services, including Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and high speed mobile broadband

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