


Type 類型 Characteristic role 角色 Ego fixation自我固著 Holy idea 神聖想法
Basic fear 害怕 Basic desire 慾望  Temptation 誘惑
Vice/Passion 負情 Virtue 優點 Stress壓力時 Security 安定時
1 Reformer, Perfectionist 改革者 Resentment 憤慨 Perfection完美
Corruptness, imbalance, being bad 做壞 Goodness, integrity, balance 為善
        Hypocrisy, hypercriticism Anger Serenity 4 7
2 Helper, Giver 幫助者  Flattery (Ingratiation)諂媚 Freedom, Will
         Being unloved 不被愛 To feel love
         Deny own needs, manipulation Pride Humility 8 4
3 Achiever, Performer 成就者 Vanity Hope, Law
         Worthlessness To feel valuable Pushing self to always be "the best"
          Deceit   Truthfulness, Authenticity 9 6
4  Individualist, Romantic 浪漫者 Melancholy (Fantasizing) Origin 初創/獨特
Having no identity or significance To be uniquely themselves
        To overuse imagination in search of self Envy Equanimity (Emotional Balance) 2 1
5 Investigator, Observer  探索者 Stinginess (Retention) Omniscience, transparency      
        Helplessness, incapability, incompetence Mastery, understanding
       Replacing direct experience with concepts Avarice Non-Attachment 7 8
6 Loyalist, Loyal  Skeptic 忠誠者  Cowardice (Worrying) Faith
         Being without support or guidance To have support and guidance
         Indecision, doubt, seeking reassurance    Fear Courage 3 9
7 Enthusiast, Epicure 享樂者 Planning (Anticipation) Wisdom, Plan
        Being trapped in pain and deprivation To be satisfied and content
        Thinking fulfillment is somewhere else   Gluttony   Sobriety 1 5
8 Challenger, Protector 挑戰者 Vengeance (Objectification) Truth
        Being harmed, controlled, violated Self-protection
        Thinking they are completely self-sufficient  Lust (Forcefulness) Innocence 5 2
9 Peacemaker, Mediator 調停者 Indolence (Daydreaming) Love
         Loss, fragmentation, separation Wholeness, peace of mind
         Avoiding conflicts, avoiding self-assertion Sloth (Disengagement) Action 6 3

