


Wireless Monitoring – Low-power wireless technology is likely to supplant wearables, tracking everything from physical movement to physiological signals through walls without wearing a device.

Los Angeles Times, December 31, 1999. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-dec- 31-mn-49362-story.html

Sarah Knauss. Ms. Knauss lived to the remarkable age of 119 years old. On her 115th birthday she was asked by a journalist if she enjoyed her long life. She replied that she enjoyed her life because she “has her health and can do things”.7 In that short reply Sarah Knauss crystalized an ideal vision of quality aging – a vision that is not just about health alone, but health with the ability to do things.

See Coughlin, MarketWatch, This New Tech Can Turn Any Home Into A Retirement Home, May 21, 2019. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-new-tech-can-turn-any-home-into-a- retirement-home-2019-05-21

