
Origin Wireless革命性新技術 從無線到無限! - 每日頭條


It is a very interesting technology, called『時間反演機』(Time Reversal Machine), 
Based on AI algorithm, the server can calculate the wifi signals and predict the pattern of the moving things. It uses the technology to care about the lonely elders. 

But I am not so convinced by the technology, as I believe there are many conditions to change the prediction. For example, if there are two elders, or there are another friends, servants or family members in the same room, how can the server predict who is whom?

If there are cats, dogs or some other partitions in the room, any new change will make the prediction difficult to further remodeling or adjustment.  

I believe AI can learn and predict anything, but the accuracy or failure rate is very important if the technology is applied to human beings, especially the patients or the elders. Nobody can take the responsibility when the wrong prediction may lose the chance to save a human life. 
