
KYMCO Ionex Commercial車能網商業版




在靠近凱旋門附近的Salle Wagram,是巴黎市民最喜愛也是見證巴黎輝煌歷史的百年慶典場所,KYMCO法國光陽分公司特別選擇在此舉辦Ionex Commercial車能網商業版新聞發表會,揭示應用方案與發表Aglity, Aglity Carry, Tube, Like EV, Nice EV五款Ionex系列新型歐洲機種,吸引大批法國等媒體與業者參觀。

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It is a mixed solution, including a removable battery, an energy station (to swap the battery), a plug to charge the removable battery.

It is not like gogoro that only uses changeable batteries. For gogoro, you can not charge the battery by yourself. All are swappable and then the information is recorded and linked to cloud.

For gogoro, all the go-stations are controlled by gogoro, so the drivers can change the battery at any stations.

For ionex, the logistics company can rent the energy station and deploy them in their offices. SO the system is private. Drivers can change the battery at their office. Some drivers can charge the battery in office or home by themselves.

It seems ionex is easier to be adopt by companies or government. Instead, for consumers, they can charge in home. For rent business, it seems easier too.
