


今天聽完這本書, There are some similar patterns for them and Chinese. 
They have some insistence and also some flexibility. 
There are different believes even thou they are team-working spirit.
They like debate and then argue to approach to the truth.
They judge as fair as much. But it seems inefficient.
Everything has two sides, up and down. So the writer tried to summarize the merits and tell us how they can become so rich. But some points are conflicting each other.

We can learn something from them, but it is not good to believe every word.

However, I recommend to read it. Besides, 塔木德 seems a good philosophy book of them like 論語孟子, we can read and learn some good ideas. 

第1章 為什麼要與猶太人為伍
1.1 生命的意義究竟是什麼
1.2 哲學家為什麼要拔火罐
1.3 人為什麼需要智慧
1.4 牛奶為什麼是白色的
1.5 為什麼要與猶太人為伍
第2章 猶太人的成功理念和財富智慧
2.1 修復殘缺的世界
2.2 發了財並沒有成功
2.3 究竟什麼是成功
2.4 捍衛商業的道德與尊嚴
2.5 究竟是頭腦駕馭財富,還是財富駕馭頭腦
第3章 猶太人的慈善智慧
3.1 慈善維護社會的公平和正義
3.2 慈善的 8 個台階
3.3 出錢的人最有發言權
3.4 慈善也是一種投資
3.5 天堂與地獄的真正區別

第4章 猶太人的反省意識與危機哲學
4.1 猶太人的求異思維與異端思想
4.2 猶太人的逆向思維
4.3 猶太思維的7個台階
4.4 和諧社會背后的「平行邏輯」
4.5 猶太人的反省意識與危機哲學

第5章 猶太人為什麼聰明
5.1 信仰戰勝苦難
5.2 從信仰上帝到信仰真理,再到信仰法律
5.3 學者成為一個民族的精神領袖
5.4 猶太知識分子:敢於向權力說真話
5.5 猶太式幽默的魅力
