
運動區塊鏈 Lympo


The Lympo digital fitness wallet and user reward mechanism is at the core of the Lympo ecosystem. The wallet functions as an entry to the ecosystem and allows users to be rewarded in LYM tokens for their healthy lifestyle achievements.

Most existing or projected blockchain applications in healthcare fall into these categories:
1Interoperability between medical institutions
2Electronic medical records
4Medical trials
5Genomic research
6 Patient-generated data/Quantified-self data commons
The Lympo ecosystem starts with a product that belongs to the 6th category.

Lympo aims to create an ecosystem powered by user-generated and user-controlled fitness and wellness data allowing the exchange of value through the introduction of LYM utility tokens. Lympo’s goal is a marketplace where data itself is used e ciently by ecosystem mem- bers and everyone is rewarded fairly. A mHealth app/wearable user is at the centre of this ecosystem including all key players in the sports and wellness industry

The rewards issued by market players interested in having direct access to Lympo digital fitness wallet users can be of two di erent types:
A reward for achieving a healthy lifestyle goal, i.e. running 5 kilometres or following a precise diet and submitting app records to Lympo profile.
A reward for checking into a particular location for a specified amount of time, i.e. joining a gym class or attending a karate competition.

The fitness/health data sharing ecosystem is based on three major components:
Lympo Platform: core components developed by the Lympo team and partners
Blockchain: Lympo tokens, smart contracts and crypto wallets
User community: Users, who will live healthy lifestyles and will interact with di erent actors in the ecosystem to find trainers, partners, make agreements, share data and get rewarded.

The contract itself will be made using standard user interface. The components of such contract are the following:
Account of the person/company which is creating a contract
Account of the end user who will receive the rewards, after reaching the goals
The amount of Lympo tokens, which will be transferred as a reward
The detailed description of activities and goals, which needs to be met. This information will be hashed into one string, to limit the size of parameters sent to the smart contract.

