
區塊鏈革命 Blockchain Revolution 綱目

The blockchain – a distributed record of digital events – is revolutionizing how the world interacts.  This book explains what you need to know.
Blockchain Revolution: How the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business and the world

Part I: Say You Want a Revolution
1. The Trust Protocol
2. Seven Design Principles of The Blockchain Economy
-networked integrity
-distributed power
-value as incentive
-rights preserved

PART II: Transformations
3.Reimagining Financial Services
4.Re-architecting the Firm: The Core and the Edges
5.Blockchain Business Models: Making it Rain on the Blockchain
6.The Worldwide Ledger of Things: Animating the Physical World
the 12 disruption

7.Solving the Prosperity Paradox: Economic Inclusion and Entrepreneurship
8.Rebuilding Government and Democracy
9.Culture on the Blockchain

Part III: Promise and Peril
10.Overcoming Showstoppers: Ten Implementation Challenges
-the technology is not ready for prime time
-the energy consumption is not sustainable
-the government will stifle or twist it
-powerful incumbents will usurp it
-the incentives are inadequate for distributed mass collaboration
-the blockchain is a job killer
-governing the protocols is like herding cats
-distributed autonomous agents will form sky net
-big brother is still watching you
-criminals will use it

11.Leadership for the Next Era
