
區塊鏈革命 書摘(10)

1, Technology is not  Ready such as Infrastructure , transactional capacity ,inaccessibility to average,long tern inlliquidity of virtual coins,high latency of the transaction,behaviorchanges,societal changes,lack of legal recourse for smart contract (math can not define everything in human life)
2.  The energy consumed is unsustainable 
Ex usd 3 bn worth of the bitcoin  in circulation request more than usd 100 million in electricity each year

There are two issues one around the electricity use that would run the machine and another of the energy used it to cool them so that they don't fail

3.  Governments will stifle or twist it
Government wants the power to control
Either it will reject the blockchain that it can not control or it will use blockchain to dictate the residents

4,powerful incumbents of the old paradigm will usurp it
Big banks or big internet players will reject the new technology 
Or some will try to win the major share ex controlling more than 51 percent of the network and then define the new rules

5. The incentives inadequate for Distributed mass collaboration
 Miners preserve the distribution of power 
They want to make a Man if in the future there is less Incentive to do the proof of work they will work for higher pay works instead of miss lower works
Some bigger mining pools control more than 51%  Of mining power they will select what works they want and enent reverse some blockchain works 

6 The Blockchain is a job killer
Lawyer may lose job after perple all use smart contract
The technology would help uber drivers to have better life by direct dealing with customers,it may make uber corp lose job not uber drivers

7. Governing the protocol is like herding cats
Will there be an org like ICANN to set the protocol of WWW
Who will define the block size
Who will define if China control more than 51%. Of mining power

8. Distributed  autonomous agents will form Skynet
The development of autonomous offensive weapons beyond meaningful human control

9. Big brother is watching you

10. Criminals will use it
Ex silk road case that dark web marketplace uses bitcoin to trade for illegal drugs
