同時,「MYZONE心率帶」還可透過APP內建的社交功能,隨時與好友互動,就像臉書一樣能觀察每個人運動狀態,並即時留言互動,進而產生激勵效果,讓使用者增加運動的頻率,有效減少因怠惰而放棄運動的狀況。MYZONE創辦人Dave Wright表示,有別於其他計步器只有計算步數和預測已燃燒的卡路里,「MYZONE心率帶」因穿戴在離心臟最近的位置,所以偵測數據最準確。
The MYZONE App is the best way to monitor your activity with the help of the MZ-3 Belt!
Download the MYZONE® App via the App Store or Google Play by searching for MYZONE. The App has several features that make it easy for you to stream your activity, upload your data, and review your results from your smartphone. You’re also able to monitor your activity calendar, workout graphs, and challenges, as well as upload personal before and after photos and keep a picture food diary.
Participate in challenges, view workout history, connect with friends, and much more. If you’re a trainer, you’ll love our food logging and target tracking features that make it easy to connect with your clients no matter where they are.
Challenges in groups or with friends can be a fun way to tap into the power of competition and camaraderie!
Exercise is made fun with gamification features, including real-time leaderboards that show you who is currently on top.