
Nokia workshop.. future x network and new technology

Dr. Sanjay Kamat
Bell Lab Consulting, managing director

future x network means any kinds of application networks

thomas malthus and population growth theory

technology revolutions macro view
financial by bonds n stocks 1600
1st industrial sream engines 1780
2nd electrical power 1880
scientical 1940
information 1985

Robert Solow, 1987, 
the rise and fall of american growth

the new revolution
100 capacity
1 over 100 latency

why? Two drivers
humanity needs, malthus 2.0? 

networked augmented intelligence

human needs
maslow hierarchy of needs, ...free wifi... is the basic for all physical deliciency needs, rather than spiritual growth need
how can we build the trust for human?

What? 5 emergent trends to shape the future x architecture
1. rise of the machine eg. smarter tools for people by intelligent, so every human has more and more personal devices to use
2. emergence of the enterprise eg. enterprise needs more infornation,sharing media, selling media, automating everything and consumer use more data or personal sharing
3. move to the edge cloud eg. metering, robots,....like cloud assistant driving, 360 video for free viewpoint, VR and streaming video, all needs edge clouds.... edge cloud is the only way to solve the high volume data processing need with quick response.
4. confuence of networks, eg. the needs of 100ms to 1ms, 10 Mbps to 1Gbps, 10B to 100 B population, 1 day battery life to 10 year, it will need more spectrum, spectral efficiency, and longer range 
5. evolution to cognitive operations eg. machine learning, effcient or friendly process, network slicing, micro service, contextual interaction, traffic peak to average,...control capacity, scaling, optimization of networks.

So, the solution is the future network =smart digital network fabric
automation in augmented intelligence era.
It will include 8 elements as below.
 massive scale access
converged edge cloud
smart network fabric
digital value platform
augmented cognitive system
programmable network os
universal adaptive core
dynamic data security

How? Successful factor for mobile operators.
3 key services with high potential growth.
industrial automation services
smart city services
media AR VR MR services
