
Nokia workshop... digital SP transformation

digital service provider transformation
the evolution of business focus, operations, networks to achieve competitive cost base, capability and agility as a provider or enabler of digital services.
the definition of digital services is that on demand personalized multi device and multi access

key focus areas for CSP transformation.
1. business and organization to be adjusted. such as customers, org, people and coolaboration model.
2. network and operations to be changed.
3. these three business opportunities, like future network, operation process, cloudifying, devops driving org alignment.
wealth of possibilities.
turning data into results.
security challenges and opportunities.

The finding of tier 1 ,2 CSP about the topic.
the top mgt support is critical
targets in customer offerings
dedicated team to do 
it may impact legacy business
it is a long way goal
trial is better than doing nothing.

put customers on the heart and key focuses
net promoter score
customer lifetime value
omni channel engagement
customer experience

case examples,
..telstra, top mgt involvement
..colt, customer experience and NPS scores in job targets
..telefonica, AURA brings cognitive intelligence to customer interactions
at&t will vitualize 75% of networks functions by 2020.

no universal blueprints for CSP to transform.
huge potential ranges like iot, media, clous based services, data analytics, finance.
local market maturity, difference, competitive, partnership
dedicated or autonomous units,
profitability will happen in long years.

data analysis value,
1.use data to extract customer understanding, for better customer experience
2.analyze for network perdormane, efficiency and security
3.provide business intelligence for new strategy
 case example, verizon thingspace, telefonica telco data monetising efforts.

it needs all to fit together
the view is to the horizon
the journey not to a destination, but to a mindset.
