
宏碁 智聯醫療應用網

Acer Abeing Wellness

aBeing Wellness is a way for people to take healthcare measures into their own hands and start doing more in order to prevent and detect potential illnesses. By combining multiple, brand name wearable devices such as the Acer Leap Fit and collecting health data over the cloud or a bluetooth connection, we allow you, someone you love, or an assigned caregiver to easily monitor the health situation of the patient all from a single screen. Key data metrics which are collected and instantly updated include heart rate, blood pressure, air quality around the patient, and more.

In the event that a certain metric enters a questionable or dangerous level, push notifications can be sent to the patient’s caretakers, notifying them of the situation. Because the patient gets assisted the moment they need it, this is a perfect solution for progressive and proactive pharmacies, daycares, nursing homes, and more.

消費者:持有各種穿戴裝置,透過藍芽,經由手機,傳送到雲端 Acer Open Cloud
服務提供者:持有acer abeing one 的小型電腦,就可以從雲端讀取資料
dashboard: 在服務提供者或其他家人,可以透過portal, 從雲端抓去即時資料,或接受push,來關注她的親人。

(3)abeing one 這台小電腦

台灣「智網聯盟」繼啟動智聯農業應用網後,2016/7/4正式發起成立智聯醫療應用網,號召各界共襄盛舉,包括宏碁、商之器、睿波智能、五達電通及IBM等企業響應,將攜手成立智聯醫療應用網。網址: http://www.moneydj.com/KMDJ/News/NewsViewer.aspx?a=b66daff8-fbe1-4b01-b162-8c4155bb74eb
