


報告中更發現,消費者最想要的穿戴式裝置應用包括 5 個領域,分別是緊急按鈕(透過內遷感應器,按下按鈕後將主動通報設定的親友或是警方)、智慧型手錶、定位追蹤(可佩戴於衣服以及背包上,協助定位孩童以及老人的活動位置)、身份認證(可應用於購物、鎖車鎖門,或是辦理行政事務時)、可穿戴淨水器(手環形狀的穿戴式裝置可以透過內建 UV 淨化功能殺除水中污染物與細菌)

但到了 2020 後多數的穿戴式裝置將會成為主流。


Two in five users of wearables say they feel naked when not wearing their device, with a quarter even sleeping with it on
Despite this, a quarter of those who have bought wearables in the past three months say their expectations have not been met
Consumers predict the wearables inflection point to be beyond 2020
6 out of 10 smartphone users are confident that wearables will have uses beyond health and wellness
Consumers predict that most wearables ideas will only become mainstream beyond 2020. However, current users of wearables believe the development will be much faster
Wearables manufacturers as personal data brokers
70 percent of users of wearables perceive wearables manufacturers to be very serious about protecting their data. In fact, users of wearables are more likely to share their data with wearables manufacturers than with doctors, insurance companies and internet companies
A new role for smartphones in the wearables future
43 percent of those surveyed believe smartphones will be replaced by wearables, while 40 percent of smartwatch users already interact less with smartphones today. As wearables get smarter, the smartphone may become a secondary screen
Internet of Things (IoT) future shaped by wearables
74 percent believe multiple wearables and sensors will help them interact with other devices and physical things around them, whilst 1 in 3 smartphone users believes they will wear at least 5 wearables beyond 2020. Thus, a setback in wearables adoption might delay the overall adoption of the IoT among consumers
