
Marketing in a digital world (4) placement

傳統的placement包含從工廠出來的庫存管理, 物流, 經銷商,零售商直到將商品給消費者。
數位時代上,本課程的重點是 new retail, 3D printing.

amazon.com: website can display  250 million of products and easy to search. 線上購物佔比大約 10%而已,但許多實體店會建立網站,作為展示, 用戶體驗或另一個通路。

PART1: new retail
1.bestbuy: use vending machines outside small-size stores to reduce the store size, employees, rent cost and display items, 200 machines in US.
2. telco virtual store: use a wall of QR codes for users to scan and buy on mobile phone in Korea
3.Rotate store, in Australia, innovative approaches to change the content to attract user back. it is special items

Deeper dive in new retails by three points:
1.location, different location of city residents have different behaviors on online behavior like NY and  rural town
2.purchase vs information, users go to wensites for information. show rooming( visit physical, buy online). web rooming (information on line, buy physical)
3.digital vs physical:physical for service/returning products, digital: search and test pricing ; ---omnichannel marketing

1.first study: different attributes to influence buying behavior of online vs physical retailers.
online: need more information to determine
physical: no purpose or special preference
2.second study:how smartphones affected shopping behavior in grocery stores
15% shoppers use phone while stores
they use the phone to talk with friends or text for comments, and result to buy different products from  original purchasing items. distraction by friends' comment.

1.marketing to shoppers: smart shopping carts to give personal promotion, to help count the buying items.
2.enhance the physical by adding the digital, website for users to get information or purchase directly.
3.use the power of touch (clothing, food, furniture): invite users to store before they go to website to find more information
4.tiny and temporary: temporary pop-up store (limited time store for lower fixed cost investment)

PART 2: 3D printing
3D printing will eliminate the manufacturing -distributing and retailing channel
medical and dental application
human skin and
clothing, shoes
prototype of parts of Boeing aircraft or Local motor's car parts
past 5 years, cost down to $1000 and size down

print by yourself, cost is saved. material + energy =$20 vs buy $300
making vs buying, the price may be higher for making by their self than buy, it includes the involvement and emotional values.

1.make physical digital, from digital model to physical things. it is helpful for sprats to be replaced locally. like NASA spacemen can do it in space.
2.let your customer customize their designs. thingiverse.com lets customers to do their design and eliminate the channels. increase the variety and different needs.
3. cut the middlemen. DHL will not deliver some parts or products to endusers.
4. doing rather planning. make employees or students to do something and generate the prototypes.
