文章前半部分, 作者描寫GE如何轉型,在物聯網時代透過物聯網技術,創造客戶價值:
(stage 1, 1980~ transactional) sell parts and repairs,
(stage 2, 2001~ contractual) share risk, reducing the total costs of ownership,
(stage 3, 2011~) Use data and analytics to provide decision support services,
(1)building software capabilities
(2)learning to sell the new model
(3)building out the ecosystem
作者強調跨領域合作的重要性,當然也有很多挑戰。GE嘗試了多種夥伴模式,例如caradigm是GE和微軟50%對分的合資公司,與健康照顧有關。taleris 是GE和accenture 合資做資料分析服務。GE投資quirky這個消費者產品創新平台,已經推出4項產品,尤其跟家居感應的商品已經上市。GE和阿拉斯加航空合作提供2個月的資料,公開召集有實力的團體來提供航機到戰時間預計演算法。
除了GE之外, 許多公司也在轉型, 作者提到他訪問過許多公司的心得:
(1)apply the digital lens to existing products and services
(2)connect your existing assets across companies
(3) consider new value capture modes
(4)Use software to extend the boundaries of what you do
除了GE之外, 許多公司也在轉型, 作者提到他訪問過許多公司的心得:
(1)apply the digital lens to existing products and services
(2)connect your existing assets across companies
(3) consider new value capture modes
(4)Use software to extend the boundaries of what you do