做完測驗後,本書會給予不同特質的說明,說明每種特質最亮眼的時刻,最佳形容詞,如何發揮影響力,如何提升表現,該注意哪些事項,如何成為成功領導人,如何成為成功經理人,如何在銷售上勝出,以及如何做好客戶服務。在線上測驗後,還可以下載英文版的報告(14頁的分析),報告中摘要每個人最大專長的組合特點,建議每個人如何做得更好。我的測驗結果是‘teacher’ 及‘equalizer’兩個角色最明顯。測驗報告的摘要如下:
Your Greatest Value to the team:
You instinctively build a learning organization.
People are your project, and your product. You instinctively develop people, and you tend to do it by bringing method and process and accountability to what you do. You believe that structure supports growth, rather than hinders it, and so you are constantly thinking about how you can build systems for learning, systems for development. You are a natural at on-boarding people -- if you're not doing it officially, you're nevertheless the colleague who takes new team members under your wing and makes sure that they have someone to turn to for answers. You're also a natural trainer. In fact, when you stay with a company long enough, you become that rare leader who trains the company -- trace the current crop of leaders back to their roots and it will be discovered that a disproportionate number of them came through your ranks. Wherever you go, you will try to build a learning organization, a place intentionally designed to expand each person's experience, understanding, and, in the end, performance.
書本介紹的9種天賦如下, 中文為我設想的突出天賦和可能適合的職位
(1)ADVISOR: 解決問題;常識(律師/醫生/業務支援)
You are a practical, concrete thinker who is at your most powerful when reacting to and solving other people's problems.
You are a catalyst. Your power lies in your craving to put two things together to make something bigger than it is now.
(3)CREATOR :適應力;分析能力(工程師/研發/拆解再組合的工匠)
You make sense of the world, pulling it apart, seeing a better configuration, and creating it.
(4)EQUALIZER :責任感;架構能力(策略規劃/市場研究/系統分析師)
You are a level-headed person whose power comes from keeping the world in balance, ethically and practically.
(5)INFLUENCER :堅持;勇氣(說客/超級業務員)
You engage people directly and convince them to act. Your power is your persuasion.
(6)PIONEER: 追求成就;信念 (冒險家/創業家/嘗試新東西)
You see the world as a friendly place where, around every corner, good things will happen. Your distinctive power starts with your optimism in the face of uncertainty.
(7)PROVIDER :與人為友;樂於服務 (客服人員/感性的關心別人)
You sense other people's feelings, and you feel compelled to recognize these feelings, give them a voice and act on them.
(8)STIMULATOR: 樂觀積極;熱情 (煽動者/感性的激勵別人)
You are the host of other people's emotions. You feel responsible for them, for turning them around, for elevating them.
(9)TEACHER :啓發;個人化指導(教練/分析人的差異性)
You are thrilled by the potential you see in each person. Your power comes from learning how to unleash it.
這個測驗準嗎? 如同算命,總有那麼一點關聯性, 可以提供一些參考。