

I  attended a workshop regarding innovative advertising held by MIC on Tuesday. Mr Hung gave a speech about attractive adverting. Two formula are interesting to me. I took notes and shared here.

Reaction = reach x resonance
This echoes AIDA's concept.
The reach is similar to awareness.
The resonance is like interest and desire.
Reaction is to take action.

Resonance = recall + optimization
Recall is to attract the audience and to make audience link to brand's image.
Attractiveness includes emotional (strong feeling) and sensation(number or evidence). The presentation style must be as simple as possible, funny and focus on key points.
Brand linkage includes brand story, mark, message reminder, unique creativity. It also remind audience to recall any previous experience or images.

Optimization is a process to test the customer feedback and the to adjust so as to get better performance. It includes the pre-test before advertising, the on-cue-test and after test.
To select best materials and to select best exposure channel or place is key point for best advertising. And timing is another great selection.
