

Source: Rich dad's before you quit your job
Step 1: think, do you want to be employed till old? Which one do you prefer? The freedom of owning your business or the stability of being employed.
Step 2: think, what do you fear of failure of starting your own business? What is your excuses not to start business?
Nobody likes failure, but failure inspires us to approach success. If some body is afraid of failure too much, his fear will stop his attempt so as to stop his opportunity.
Starting your own business is a wonderful idea, but most of you have the idea instead of fulfilling it. Starting your own business may be either working for yourself or leading others to working for your business. Rich dad prefers the latter to the former.
Step 3: just do it. You should try and learn your experience by yourself. You may succeed after many times of failure. But your perseverity will bring you to big opportunity.
You need a good mentor to remind you and fix your blind points.
