
Friedman Hot, flat and crowded

Friedman gave a speech based on its book " Hot, flat and crowded".

Friedman highkighted the 5 big challenges/ opportunities in the energy climate era. (1) energy and natural resources, supply and demand, (2) petrodictatorship, (3) climate change, (4) energy poverty, and (5) biodiversity loss.

(1). Affluenza is a trend. Many countries become similar with American and waste too much energy and resources. It is a worse trend. There are more than 9 American style countries that used out too much.
(2) Oil price and freedom in oil country is in reverse way. Oil is a dirty fuel from the hell. World bought oil from Islam countries and made them become dictatorship. It is dirty and we should innovate to get "fuel from Heaven" like wind, solar and wave.
(3) Greenhouse effect is what we should care. Carbon reduction should be emphasized. Every people in the planet should work tgether to reduce carbon emission. Green revolution is a change or die campaign not a party.
(4) Energy poverty in Afarica is getting worse. There are 1.6 billions people live in no energy life. (5) some animals disappeared and that fact would make the world go to a homogeneous status that will lose the diversity advantage.

Price matters, he suggests people accept and motivate the green technology. As long as more adoption of green products, the price and cost would go down to reasonable level for more people to adopt.

He concluded that the futurer is a choice not a fate.
