

Source: Peter Senge 1990, The fifth discipline.
Don't abuse the name of "learning organization" raised by Peter Senge. He said the five steps of disciplines:

1)Every employee must excel beyond himself. He has his career view and target. He understands the limitation and conflicts in his organization. He positions himself as a partner of the management team. So he behave honestly and approach the fact.

2)Everyone in the organization will change his mind to adjust the mindset to break old or traditional thinking. He challenges the assumption and principles so he can jump out of the box.

3)Everyone will dialogue with open-mind. Following the dialogue and then get the consensus. And then the organization builds a vision.

4)Everyone keeps on learning and modifying.

5)The organization reach the system thinking that is not limited within bad assumption or principles. The system thinking covers all the possibility and internal/external factors. It is a clear picture built through the learning and dialogue of all the employees.

It is very wonderful.

It is like any religion that nobody should challenge. Anyone can like it or abandon it. But anyone must know there are some fans of the writer.
