
streaming platform for marketers

this paper talks about how to put marketer in the selection of cloud tv platform. 

ott service strength..
interactivity, multiple screen, agility, scalability, robustness, customization capability

cloud tv platform...
how to standout, create loyalty, increase content, time spent on the service, churn prevention,

marketing feature is necessary for the selection of cloud tv platform.

cloud tv platform needs to support...
supply side.. 
advertisers . ads placement for fill rate n CPM
ad exchange

demand side..
churn retention
direct communication
digital ads
above the line

service side..
SVOD Subscription based
AVOD ad based
registered fee
anonymous fee

tv marketers challenges...
long time to insights
spray and pray
limited marketing channel

predictive model
in app marketing tool

from AVOD to SVOD

1.define target, ex conversion rate or penetration rate
2.identify variables, ex discount for potential users
3.experiment segmentation, ex intertwined testing AB testing for different segmentation
4. promote campaign
5. specify execution channels, ex in app or traditional channwls
6. measure and refine
7. find insight by analytics tools
