

regarding RCS 
GSMA defines the spec
RCC.71 ..service definition
RCC.14 ..device auto configuration

1. main components
user side..
web RTC based client on handset
hockey app is only applied to Android phone,
iOS is still under testing
registering by email

operator side..
SMSC for OTP certification 
HSS for identity 

vendor side..
        client for user
        ACS auto config. server defined by RCC.14 that is the center among HSS, IMS core, mStore
         management portal for third party
         management server is the core among mStore, IMS core, chatbot
         northbound REST API to enable chatbots to access RCS
          southbound API (NNI or REST) to facilatate aggregator or external MaaP platform

third party side..
chatbot to aggregate with A2P management server

2. business model
2.1 P2P
Those who download the cliens can make rich communication each other
They need register and get verification by OTP

rich communication includes SIP voice call,  http based file,  location share, store and forward

It is similar to LINE or facebook messenger.

2.2 A2P
It will take operators the capability to manage the broadcasting rich text or file ads to RCS users.
