
RCS VS Google Chat

Rich Communications Services (RCS) is the protocol that will replace SMS. The protocol got off to a very slow start: It was formed by a group of industry promoters in 2007 and brought under the wings of the GSM Association in 2008, but carrier participation and other factors kept it from gaining any real steam for nearly a decade.

In 2018, Google announced it had been working with every major cell phone carrier in the world to adopt the RCS protocol. The result is Chat, a protocol based on RCS Universal Profile that will supersede SMS.

There’s a lot of moving pieces required to make Chat actually work. First, your carrier will need to support the protocol. You’ll also need to have a device and messaging app that supports Chat. Finally, your recipient will need to have Chat as well; if they do not, Chat messages revert to SMS.


這個IM 就像APPLE的 MESSAGE, 類似一個IM, 可以發送多重形式的訊息, 跟WECHAT, LINE類似, 也可以組群組來發送文字影音,不需要另外安裝APP,就在APPLE手機有IMESSAGE,GOOGLE手機有CHAT,更加方便

但前提是,CHAT還要做到,如果收信方沒有安裝CHAT, 訊息還會被轉成SMS發送給對方





至於APPLE手機,能不能支持 GOOGLE RCS CHAT,那又是另一個問題
