
TRULIOO 身分驗證平台


Trulioo, the leading global identity & business verification service, provides instant electronic identity & business verification for 4.5 billion people and 250 million companies worldwide.

Trulioo’s instant electronic identity verification service, GlobalGateway, was created specifically to help businesses comply with cross-border Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) rules and has since evolved to support a diverse range of international electronic identity verification requirements (eIDV). Trulioo enables increased trust and safety online by powering fraud prevention and compliance systems for hundreds of clients including payment providers, eCommerce merchants, financial services providers, online gaming, and online marketplaces.

Located in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Identity Verification
Verify billions in seconds through 1 API
Open APIs with multiple integration options
Robust APIs with modern RESTful services and legacy integration options
Instant identity, age and address verification in up to 100+ countries
Access 200 global data sources for cross-border KYC compliance
(including 20+ MNOs)
Data source attributions, customization and waterfalling
Matching rules customization
Automated Global AML Watchlist Checking
Third party integration options
Simple and easy-to-use online portal available, no software to install

他就像一個中間商,每當需要認證才發出請求,然後取得YES /NO的答覆,就只樣。
