
NTT DoCoMo 推出全球物聯網解決方案 Globiot

NTT DoCoMo將推出全球物聯網解決方案「Globiot」

NTT官方6月26日消息, NTT DoCoMo宣布,將推出全球IoT解決方案「Globiot」,為日本企業提供全球連接和相關運營支持及諮詢服務。「Globiot」是一系列服務的組合,可幫助企業識別和使用適合其海外物聯網設備部署的連接選項。它將通過本地SIM / eSIM或漫遊提供全球連接,並就適當的商業模式向客戶提供建議。它還將提供運營和維護方面的支持,並向客戶提供海外有關物聯網監管調查和必要認證的建議。DoCoMo自2012年起提供物聯網連接服務,並於2014年將eSIM解決方案商業化。迄今為止,DoCoMo通過物聯網世界聯盟,SCFA ,Conexus 等廣泛的聯盟來協調其物聯網相關服務,並與眾多海外運營商和各合作夥伴合作推進物聯網業務。考慮到即將到來的5G時代物聯網市場的持續增長,DoCoMo將利用此解決方案進一步幫助其企業客戶提高生產力和附加價值。


une 26, 2018
DOCOMO to Launch Global IoT Solution "Globiot" to Assist Corporate Customers with Global Connectivity and Related Operational Support and Consulting

TOKYO, JAPAN, June 26, 2018 --- NTT DOCOMO, INC. announced today that it will launch its global IoT solution, named "Globiot", to provide global connectivity and related operational support and consulting to Japanese enterprises with global IoT operations on July 2.

DOCOMO's global IoT solution "Globiot" is a combination of services that will help enterprises identify and use the most advantageous connectivity options suited to their IoT equipment deployments overseas. It will provide global connectivity via local SIM/eSIM (Embedded Subscriber Identity Module) or roaming, as well as advise customers on appropriate business models. It will also provide support with operation and maintenance and advise customers about relevant IoT regulations and necessary certifications overseas.

DOCOMO has provided IoT connectivity services using docomo IoT KAISENKANRI Platform since 2012 and commercialized an eSIM solution for IoT equipment in 2014. So far, DOCOMO has coordinated its IoT-related services through its wide range of alliances, such as IoT World Alliance1, SCFA2, Conexus3 and other organizations, and through direct collaboration with many overseas operators and various partners.

Leveraging DOCOMO's global experience and accumulated expertise, its global IoT solution "Globiot" will enable Japanese enterprises to reduce the time and cost of researching, preparing and launching global IoT operations.

Japanese enterprises have found it troublesome to arrange Internet connections for automotive and other IoT equipment they need to operate overseas, such as equipment for construction, agriculture and production operations. In particular, having to deal with varying IoT regulations and authentication procedures in each overseas region has slowed the pace of global expansions for these companies. DOCOMO's new solution, however, will simplify such tasks to help companies launch global IoT operations faster and for less cost.

Considering the continuous growth of the IoT market toward the upcoming 5G era, DOCOMO will exploit this solution to further assist its corporate customers in improving productivity and providing added values using IoT.

Global IoT Solution "Globiot"

Source: https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/info/media_center/pr/2018/0626_00.html
