
MWC 上海2018 创新城市展

Intelligent Connectivity @ GSMA Innovation City 
• Confirmed the Smart Bee Hive – live LTE-M demonstration
• Demo criteria:
• Real customer cases/products already been deployed or will be deployed shortly into the market
• Demonstration on live networks preferred: LTE-M, NB-IoT or 5G 
• Cutting-edge/latest innovations
• Use case considerations (not limited to these):
1. Gigabit Mobile Connectivity
e.g. Digital Assistant, Social Videostyling, High-Speed Video Streaming, etc.
2. Entertainment Everywhere
e.g. Interactive Gaming, Omnipresent Advertising, etc.
3. Smart & More Efficient Transportation
e.g. Autonomous Vehicles, Fast Drone Delivery, etc.
4. Smart Industry / Affordable Products
e.g. Networked 3D printing, Automated Industrial Robotics, etc. 
5. Enhanced Public Services
e.g. Connected Healthcare, Robotics, Critical Communications, etc.
6. Sustainable World
e.g. Pollution Management, Smart Agriculture
