
區塊鏈 供應鏈 Provenance




Provenance powers supply chain transparency and the secure tracking of materials, ingredients and products. Our tools give producers, brands and retailers access to the latest technology for proving the value and authenticity of products.

Provenance is building a traceability system for materials and products using a new kind of data system called a blockchain. It is a data system for securely storing information - inherently auditable, unchangeable and open. We are working towards an open traceability protocol - that anyone can use to track the provenance of anything from coffee beans to a roll of fabric.

Tracking proven sustainability claims through global supply chains
Taking traceability solutions to the next level, Provenance enables a robust digital proof for sustainably-sourced and slavery-free products. We worked with over 12 Pole and Line certified producers in SE Asia to track fish through the supply chain for UK, Japanese and US markets.

goal of this report is to summarise the work and results of the 6-month long pilot conducted by Provenance. Mobile, blockchain technology and smart tagging were used to track fish caught by fishermen with verified social sustainability claims. The goal was to aid robust proof of compliance to standards at origin and along the chain, prevent the “double-spend” of certificates and explore how these new technologies could form the basis for an open system for traceability powering consumer-facing transparency for food and other physical goods. The pilot was successful in tracking responsibly-caught fish and key social claims down the chain to export. Provenance's ambition was not to demonstrate yet another digital interface, but a solution to the grave need for data interoperability: for tracking items and claims securely, end-to-end, in a highly robust, yet accessible format without the need for a centralised data management system. It was found that blockchains meet these needs and offer an exciting paradigm shift necessary for traceability in such vast complex supply chains as the SE Asia fishing industry.

Blockchain: the solution for transparency in product supply chains
