
美國 Climacell 微波預測降雨


Mobile-phone signals bolster street-level rain forecasts
Real-time analysis of wireless communications data could improve weather forecasts around the world.

Jeff Tollefson
07 April 2017

The newest entry into this field is ClimaCell, a start-up company in Boston, Massachusetts, that launched on 2 April. The 12-person firm says that it can integrate data from microwave signals and other weather observations to create more accurate short-term forecasts. It notes it can provide high-resolution, street-level weather forecasts three hours ahead, and will aim to provide a six-hour forecast within six months. The company has yet to make information on its system public or publish it in peer-reviewed journals.

ClimaCell will start in the United States and other developed countries, but plans to move into developing countries including India later this year.
