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New Technology Uses Cellular Towers For Super-Accurate Weather Measurements 42
Posted by timothy on Saturday July 12, 2014 @07:26PM from the gives-each-droplet-ipv6-address dept.
Iddo Genuth (903542) writes
"Israeli scientists from the Tel Aviv University perfected a method for using cell phone service towers' microwave emitters to measure rain and snow and even (for the first time ) detect fog with great accuracy over vast areas in real time. The research team members have analyzed endless amounts of raw cellular data and developed more accurate ways to measure meteorological information and added more parameters that they can now measure using their growing database. When combined with existing meteorological monitoring technologies such as radars and local ground based weather stations, the results show unprecedented level of accuracy that can give better and further weather forecast as well as special warnings about upcoming floods, fog and hail which can affect both people and crop production."
