
Air Quality Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data

Air Quality Monitoring Using IoT and Big Data
A Value Generation Guide for Mobile Operators
February 2018


The key customer segments for air quality services are:
• Government bodies, who bene t by avoiding  nes for poor air quality, reducing health spending and obtaining higher taxation revenues due to increased economic output.
• Third party solution developers, who create value by o ering new products and services to businesses and consumers.
• City administrators, who bene t from carbon trading, green bonds and from more informed urban planning that delivers an improved urban environment.
• Regulators, who bene t by ensuring regulatory compliance through a new independent monitoring capability and achieving reduced societal impact from poor air quality.

This guide shows through case studies that operators are actively delivering new services for air quality in a number of di erent roles including:
• Connectivity Service Provider
• Data Provider
• Application Enablement Platform Provider
• Intelligence Service Provider

Connectivity and Device Management Provider
-Connectivity services utilising 2G/3G/4G including LPWA Mobile IoT technologies
-Device management services 
-Identity and Security services

Data Provider
-Providing air quality, network, customer and IoT data sets
-Cleansing, harmonisation and aggregation anonymising of diferent data sources, including context data
-Participation in data marketplaces

Application Enablement Platform Provider
-Providing a platform enabling developers and partners
to access rapid application development tools
-Providing an incubation programme supporting new business and partners to develop new products and services

Intelligence service provider
-Providing analytics and machine learning as a service, across multiple data sources
-Providing a platform enabling developers and partners to access intelligence services
