
區塊鏈革命 書摘(4)

chapter 4 how can we take blockchain to re-architect a firm

Example; Consensys

the key words: agility, openness, consensus

decentralize the enterprise, without manager

The blockchain technology  offers a credible and efficient means to reduce the transaction cost, turn the firm into networks.
1. search costs are down due to easily finding the talents and customers.
(user privacy, multiple dimensional, higher value compared to internet company)
2. contracting costs are down due to smart contract
(use programming items to manage the transaction, not necessary to follow legal process)
(multiple signature to manage the complex contracts, public key, private key and third party private key )
3. coordination costs are down due to smart contract and transparent communications
(smart contract to define the role and responsibility)
(networking public information make everyone know the schedule and status)
(the progressive or efficient hierarchies to replace the bureaucratic hierarchy or monopoly)
4. costs of building trusts
(blockchain takes the integrity and transparency, which will win the trust for stakeholders over the transaction and contracts)

in the future, the modified holacracy (shared management) will become the main trend.
