
china mobile on connected cars

陳維中移IOT 研究院長
中國日出行車 40 亿車次

車上軟体升级診斷telematics 用V2N
low latency, small cell broadcasting that current network can not support.
China mobile is trying for LTE V2X
802.11p is DSRC in 2010, US will deploy the DSRC in 2019 national wide.
3GPPLTE  V2X release 14 in 2017, and 5G V2X in 2019.
China mobile will support LTE V2X instead of DSRC
So, how can LTE V to compete over DSRC?
Technology structure, business model, industry ecosystem

Key technology..
core network for control center,
edge computing,
multiple access 
available terminals, 

key challenges...
standards, 3GPP, CCSA标準、
technology, 不同場景的技術、芯片、终端
test and verification, key technology test with scale testing, business test by safety、不同机关
business model、商業合作

去年和华為在杭州test, 今年MWC用5G在上海測、現在无錫开放道路test

industry ecosystem, 
collaborate for standards
cooperate with government police or communication regulators

