
auto semi market

auto production volume will be over 100 millions units in 2020, more the 140 bn us dollars n even 160 bn in 2022

infotaiment major share  by 60 bn 
chasesis n safety by 30 bn
body n convenience by 20 bn
powertrain by 30 bn
ADAS will grow by 20 bn and 20 pctg is top growth one

architecture for  onnected car
BOM for semi 563, CUSOMER VALUE 1730 usd
ADAS may take the BOM  usd 92 in 2015
but it will grow by autonomous need and it may cost 9400 usd to provide 

LiDAR will be key component in the future ADAS
emitter, lasers
beam steering, mechnical n flash, 
detector, PIN diodes

Lidar shipment more than 40 million units in 2026
optical arrays, flash will grow fastest

camera more than 5 functions will be major, n machine vision is a software driven market

senzorfusion modules used for surroundview parking or auto driving.
in the future,  the latter will take 2 over 3 in volume

tier 2 or startups will lead the auto driving technology

key ADAS suppliers
bosch, continental, valeo take 60 perctage share

