
Sports market in Taiwan

Sports service market categories:
Professional Team, such as MLB, NBA...
Sports Places, such as golf club, swimming pools, gym, stadium...
Sports services, such as sports marketing, execution team,....

Sports service companies,
There are 1624 companies regarding sports services in 2015 and the number is 1475 in 2011.

Service industry revenue is 20.6 billion NTD in Taiwan in 2016.

CPBL chinese professional baseball league
total audience number: 1.3 million in 2015. There are 240 contests every year. So it is around 5532 audience every contest.

SBL super basketball league, not professional league. starts from 2003. It is the 15th season in 2017. There are 7 teams. The season is from December to April. The audience is around 10 thousand per day, 2000 per game. It is not so popular.

UBA university basketball association from 1987 to now. hosted by Chinese taipei university sports federation. Originally there are two tiers, Jia and Yi group. Now there are three tiers, 1st, 2nd and common.
1st tier: 16 teams, consists of the top 12 team of last year tier 1 as well as top 4 of tier 2 last year.
2nd tier: any team of 13th~16 of tier 1 last year as well as 5th~ of tier 2 last year as well as new teams

CBA Chinese basketball alliance, from 1993 to 2000. it is a professional contest. But it is over now. 

UBL university baseball league led by chinese taipei university sports federation(CTUSF)  Origginally, it is divided by Jia and Yi group. Now it is divided by tier 1, 2 and common. 14 teams in tier 1, 22 teams in tier 2 and more than 40 teams in common tier.

sports place: there are around 1298 venues in 2015. The revenue is around 17 billions NTD. There are 12 categories of sports places. Gym or health club is the only category that grows more than twice in the past 
4 years.

Now there are 225 gyms or health clubs in Taiwan. based on the research of resident consumption in 2015, total consumption amount in sports industry is 118.8 Bn NTD, participating sports is 28.1bn, watching sports is 4.5bn, sports lottery is 28.1 bn, and sports equipments consuption is 58bn.

The source of the data is from TTR, taiwan trend research.
