
2017 ITRI Tech day KDDI 藤井彰人

He is the VGM solution business planning division and GM cloud services KDDI.

company revenue
usd 34bn personal, 5 b biz, 3bn global, 2bn for value 
183 group companies, 21 thousand employees, 45 data centers worldwide.

enterprise strategy...3 multiples od kddi cloud platform services.
multu devices, sp, pad, pc...
m.networks, au, vitual switch
m.clouds, google, aws, kddi own

kddi iot solution
device..security sim, lpwa network, sensors
network.. lora poc kit, cellular lpwa, kddi iot connect air, mobile network
cloud...iot cloud creater, scruminc. skype for business, cisco spark, hiraki direct,  google cloud platform, azzure, amazon, line works

teleco should work with google, amazon and microsoft to collaborate instead of competition.

95 percentage of google traffic goes through its own network. that means google is not an ott player but a network provider.

KCPS KDDI cloud platform services
starting from cloudstack in 2012, 
mackerel service with monitoring on KCPS
ondemand and dedicated hosted private cloud service, 

what is the future for public cloud?

three types of enterprise network....
Cloud plus edge computing, distributed ,iot data analytics
cloud computing, vitualizing, mobile cloud
on premise system, integration for network servers

kddi will go for hybrid one SDx, private cloud like containers, fixed edge cloud, 5G
work with global mega ones for global public

live demo....
HW as a service provided by KDDI, IPC baremental management as BAMPI
raspberry pi streaming

future of  Ipc  ...infra process communicator
future of cloud

kddi credo 社是
elevate our minds 心高
asking ourselves if our motives are righteous or selfish. 动机善、私心

盛和夫 燃燒的鬥魂
