
CES 2017 車聯網

Honda also announced collaborations with Visa, DreamWorks Animation and innovative start-ups through the Honda Developer Studio and Honda Xcelerator open innovation programs based out of Honda Silicon Valley Lab. Further, as part of its effort to accelerate open innovation, Honda has established a new URL for areas including AI, Big Data and Robotics. Interested companies and individuals can access the following URL: http://www.honda.co.jp/openinnovation/.

Supporting its Cooperative Mobility Ecosystem theme, Honda introduced the Honda NeuV, an electric automated mini-vehicle concept equipped with an artificial intelligence (AI) "emotion engine"*1 and automated personal assistant, creating new possibilities for human interaction and new value for customers.

推出SAM seamless autonomous mobility 的人類學系系統 幫助自動化駕駛,預計2020奧運前推出商用化

Microsoft 提供 Connected Vehicle Platform, 這個雲端平台包含了 Azure, Cortana, 與 Office 365. 其中 Nissan 與BMW都嘗試採用微軟的個人語音助理Cortana, 他幫助駕駛者可以在 dashboard screen存取此 events, to-do lists, reminders, news, 與其他服務. Microsoft's Azure 將提供over-the-air updates, predictive maintenance and advanced vehicle navigation. http://www.theverge.com/ces/2017/1/5/14184140/microsoft-cortana-nissan-bmw-car-integration

Renault-Nissan Alliance 將與日本公司DeNA 合作推動無人駕駛. 預計四步驟, (1) ProPilot, 車輛只能在同一車道行駛, (2)在高速公路可以變換車道, (3) 市區車道, (4) 全自動駕駛.

Chris Penrose, president of AT&T’s Internet of Things Solutions. 宣布在美加地區的Honda 將會採用4G LTE connectivity. 車主將會使用HondaLink apps 來進行navigation, streaming radio, diagnostics, and remote lock/unlock functions 等服務.

Delphi, Ford, and AT&T engaged in a joint research program to build the V2X platform. Delphi was behind the module itself, Ford developed the in-car integration, and AT&T built the software for the analytics platform and will provide wireless connectivity.
DSRC (dedicated short-range communications ) for new cars to communicate with one another can avoid accidents. AT&T’s V2X platform and LTE network would extend DSRC’s range.  Vehicle-to-Anything (V2X) communication will make roads safer and less congested. AT&T’s LTE network will notify drivers of approaching vehicles and events (airbag deployments, collisions, hazardous road conditions, and wrong-way driving).

From CES: Audi, GM, Honda, Hyundai Will Put Google Android OS In Cars This Year

   車載的 AI 助理 Yui 越來越懂你的同時(比如說了解要在何時切換成自動駕駛),你並不用擔心會有太多額外因素影響到你在路上馳騁的快感。Toyota 把車內的顯示器都藏到了白色的面板內,只有在必要的時候你才會看到其顯示的內容,平時開車時視線範圍內不會出現任何干擾。此外,在自駕模式啟動後,方向盤不會像某些車款那樣收起,而是留在原來的位置,方便駕駛者隨時重新接管車輛。
