Amazon 雲端智慧語音服務 –Alexa
合作案例: Ford 「車內聲控購物」功能
說明:Ford 車主在車內將可聲控 Amazon 購物、搜尋,直接將目的地設定至導航系統,甚至播放有聲書。
Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform, - Cortana
合作案例:Nissan 與BMW
說明:都嘗試採用微軟的個人語音助理Cortana, 他幫助駕駛者可以在 dashboard screen存取此 events, to-do lists, reminders, news, 與其他服務. http://www.theverge.com/ces/2017/1/5/14184140/microsoft-cortana-nissan-bmw-car-integration
Google Assistant
Nvidia announced at CES that its media streaming device, Shield, would feature Google Assistant - allowing users to display photos on their TV screens via voice command, for example.
It can also connect with the Nest smart thermostat and adjust the temperature - or turn on smart home devices.
Hyundai and Daimler have said they will make their cars partly voice-operable with Google Assistant.
Samsung acquired fledgling AI Viv and is expected to launch it with the firm's Galaxy S8 smartphone later in 2017.
Apple's Siri
It can be used to interact with several smart home devices unveiled at CES - including a smart smoke detector by Netatmo and Chamberlain garage door openers.
It can be used to interact with several smart home devices unveiled at CES - including a smart smoke detector by Netatmo and Chamberlain garage door openers.
Apple's Siri assistant is already available in certain cars as well - via the firm's CarPlay software. Many brands - including BMW, Nissan, Hyundai and Ford - have produced models that support it.