
台北 5G 物聯網高峰會-2

Section: IoT’s Platform.    Moderator: Dr. Li Fung Chang  Chief Architect of 5G Program Promotion Office, MOEA

IoT’s Moment of Truth James J. Cathey, Sr. VP & President Asia Pacific and India, Qualcomm

Complementary IOT connectivity in the 5G World Henri Bong, Unabiz, SIGFOX

IoT market trend and testing challenges of licensed and unlicensed band Mr. Nick Pugh, Market Segment Director, Cellular Device R&D, Rohde&Schwarz

LTE evolution: now: Cat 4 (>10Mbps). Cat1 , Cat M1 (eMTC), Cat NB1 (NB-IoT 10 kbps)
NB-5G is not only for licensed spectrum, but some other technology in higher spectrum like >6G.
A drone with 7 PCBs summed by 189cm2, in the future integrated PCB takes only 23cm2
How will your company position in IoT value chain? Some mobile operators move from network providers to service providers.
5G becomes most efficient back haul and enables additional revenue models.
example 1: smart home backhaul.
example 2: BLE mesh or Wifi mesh among vending machines.
example 3: tracking devices.
example 4: smart vehicles and motorbikes, like tire pressure measurement system,
example 5: beacon network for WiSe in airport, e-boarding pass, indoor navigation, beacon marketing to stores.
5G requires complex comprehensive solutions that are scalable (end to end) so as to unlock new revenue streams.
簡單說,他的演講並沒說5G是什麼, 5G可能是藍牙,beacon, WiFi或任何技術都可以,

90% of IoT things need low bandwidth with small messages. It will not need 3G/4G cellular network.
Sigfox provides USD 1 cost of communication cost for each thing per month.
Sigfox is strong in the 4 dimensions: energy efficiency, global reach, simplicity and cost efficiency.
Sigfox differentiates by lower power long range networks from mobile operators. Its strength includes signal coverage to -142dmb, capacity >1M devices per BTS per day, BoM cost <USD 3, no SIM cards, no roaming and lower integration cost by API.
24 countries national coverage, 358M people, 1.4Mkm2,
Foresee extension to 30 countries in 2016, 60 countries in 2018.
UNABIZ 負責在台灣建造網路與經營, 他來宣傳Sigfox的技術特點,以及邀請更多廠商參與測試。目前已經有許多合作廠商提供end product, 可以直接成為有興趣的服務供應商的夥伴。但是現場,電信設備供應商都提出挑戰,認為 Sigfox似乎想要通吃IOT市場, 但Henri的講法,改為這個網路只是作為電信網路的互補。 主持人則提出unlicensed spectrum的問題在於reliability。

Nick Pugh:
Rohde & Schwarz, testing devices for licensed and unlicensed band wireless devices
He shares all the wireless technology like Z-wave, zigbee, Blue tooth, LTE, 5Getc.
What is 5G? He mentions some points: mobility, very high data rate, very high capacity, security/reliability, very low latency, long battery life, massive number of devices.
He highlights test should be based on standard conformance, regulatory conformance and carrier acceptance.
他介紹他們公司的設備可以支援各種的測試,測試的構面也包含了5G可能關心的各個要素, 如電池力,延遲率,全球漫遊,同時通訊或週期通訊等等。
