
MWC SH 联通智能辛總

联通子公司叫聯通智能, 在去年成立, 主要目標就是發展車联网業務, CEO是辛克鐸先生。

1. 提到聯通的網路計劃, 今年開始示範NBIOT,明年全力推廣,2020年會商用5G, 然後希望做到V2X(vehicle to everything)

2. 目前用NBIoT在上海迪士尼示範300個停車格,結合app可以直接付款,訴求車联网須有全新的用戶体驗

3. 提到NBIOT的網路架構:包含NBIOT的平台(簡化IOT連線的管理,簡化網路元件的管理),NBIOT的效能(5萬個連線,最快250KBPs, 相較GPRS涵蓋增加20DBM)

4. 車聯網的特性
transformation on automotive industry (extended to various related industries)
cooperation across industry(no single player could provide all services, long value chain)

5. 從過去到未來
traditional concept focus on vehicle lifecycle (make, logistics, sales, service, after sales) which is connectivity as basis (always online, unified terminal identification, standardized services)

new concept focus on user experience (route planning, real time scheduling, parking reservation, shopping, e-ticket, e-car sharing, attractive shuttle bus) which is a tourist UX

6. 下一代的網路
network supporting mixed networks
multiple scenarios (car sharing, parking, operator,car life, weather, shopping...)

7. key parties
vehicle owners (ultimate UX, willing to pay, increase activation rate,)
service provider (usability, stability, safety, flexibility, scalability)
network provider (communication infra & platform)

8. 訴求車聯網需要一個 common connectivity mgt platform
聯通採用Jasper 的平台,用來降低管理的複雜度,
提供CRM, billing, 大數據,售後服務等功能

TSSS平台八大訴求, common service, flexible & configurable, security, ubiquitous access, massive connectivity, social, e-commerce, big data analysis, call center

9. connectivity mgt platform
device management
subscription management
這平台上方有許多的application support capability, 承接更多的applications
下方有許多的connectivity method,可以診斷與管理

10. 未來的挑戰
ecosystem 內有許多的合作夥伴, 如何溝通談判,一起合作,是個挑戰
