
Telecoms.com IoT outlook 分析報告重點

Telecom.com發表的2015 IOT outlook 報告精華如下

Gemalto on IoT Lanscape

Q1: Which of the following do you primarily associate with the Internet of Things?

900 respondents, 28.5% primarily associate home automation and connected cars with IoT. 23.3% of respondents see smartphones, tablets and wearable technology as the principal aspect of IoT. 16.7% opted for sensors, 15.5% smart cities, 8.4% reckon machine generated big data, and just 2.1% see RFID and tracking technology as the primary IoT use-case.


Q2: which two industry segments were likely to become the most lucrative for operators in the future?

A2: 47.2% of respondents primarily identified Industrial IoT, 37.1% Home Automation, 31.5% smartphones and tablets, 30.6% connected cars and 28.7% enterprise verticals, 23.3% wearable technology. it appears that Industrial IoT is viewed as the most lucrative by the majority of respondents. Curiously, this appears to contradict the conception of IoT being a primarily consumer-focussed tech by the responses to the previous question.


Q3: which services will be the most lucrative in the next 12 months, instead of long-term.

A3: Industrial IoT, smart energy and smart home 50.2%, 36.8% and 34.2% of responses respectively.


Q4: how IoT revenues will contribute to overall revenue in the next year.

A4: 59% saying less than 10% of total revenue, and 25.4% saying 10-30%. 9% of respondents said up to 50%, with only 6.7% saying more than 50% of their revenues will be directly attributable to IoT.


Q5: which two connectivity protocols will have the biggest impact on the acceleration of IoT.

A5: 52.5% of the audience voting WiFi, 16.9% chose Bluetooth Low Energy, while just 5.8% plumbed for ZigBee.


Q6: WAN connectivity: regarding LPWA and cellular

A6: 23.3% of respondents reckon low-power WAN (LoRA, SigFox and Weightless-N) and license free spectrum will be one of the primary accelerators of IoT.

And 82.3% believe the cellular network, encompassing 2G through to 5G, will be the single most important form of connectivity in enabling the Internet of Things.


Q7: What do you consider to be the two biggest inhibitors to the IoT’s development?

A7: 42% Security challenges, 37%  Platform standardisation issues,  29% Device/technology immaturity, 27% Consumer hesitation


F5(f5.com提到許多企業對IOT的資安有很大的顧慮, F5顧問公司特別提出一些網路弱點特別希望透過產業聯盟來訂相關標準確保IOT資訊安全

42.2% of respondents believe InfoSec is the biggest inhibitor to the development at IoT.

44.7% say between 10%-40% of IoT data will be considered “sensitive”. 33.8% suggesting sensitive information could be > 40% of IoT data.

44.8% reckon wifi is the most challenging technology to secure , 22% on Bluetooth, 20% on cellular, 12% on NFC.

Which two parts of the service provider network are the most vulnerable to interception or attacks in an IoT environment; 52.7% voted for cloud-based applications and services. 46.4% Access network; 36.6% gateway, 25% data centre, 18.5% RAN, 11.2% backhaul and 9.7% network core 

IoT traffic generally flows directly between machines and devices, 56.9% of audience agree that identifying DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks on an IoT network will be significantly more challenging.

DDoS attacks, 63.6% reckon that as more enterprise mission critical data gets generated by IoT and stored in the cloud, service providers will be under everincreasing pressure to ensure availability and network protection. Nearly half (47.1%) of respondents agree that to successfully manage potential risks of traffic spoofing on an IoT network, implementing a cloud-based DDoS mitigation architecture and solution is essential. A similar portion of our audience (47.4%) believes that the introduction of IPv6 will give service providers more opportunity to successfully mitigate the risk of DDoS attacks and spoofed addresses.

53.5% indicate that security is an afterthought for vendors creating IoT products. As a potential remedy for the immediate security concerns, our audience identified industry associations

and collaborative groups as a main source of progress for information security in IoT. Almost three quarters of respondents (70.1%) say industry-wide IoT platform standards are required in order to effectively secure data.


IBM的分析報告提到 63% think cloud-based apps are more suited to IoT services than on-premise. 此外, Roughly 70% of respondents think private cloud platforms are more likely

to power IoT services because of data privacy / security concerns.


WIND的分析報告提到 62% of respondents believe IoT can’t exsit without radio infrastructure managed by operators. 另外一題提到 33% say cellular coverage and signal strength is the most important IoT enabling feature of the network. 另外,  70% believe service providers must make full use of real-time data analysis to help IoT reach its full potential. 問到What do you consider to be the two biggest network challenges for IoT? 32% Information security concerns; 32% Standardised Industrial IoT platforms; 28% Monetisation of IoT traffic. 最後,55% of respondents thought the proportion of IoT data traffic being transmitted over the mobile network by 2020 would be in the 20-60% range.


關於Industrial IoT (IIoT) ,50%的人認為IIOT是物聯網的火車頭。79.8% of the audience believes IIoT will comprise up to 50% of all IoT revenues, while just 20.2% of respondents see it being

responsible for more than half of all IoT revenues. 問到which service will be the biggest revenue generator? 23.6%說是sensors, 22.2%認為 cloud & big data ,18.7% professional enterprise IoT services, 15.9% workforce mobility services through the interconnection of devices and wearables. 8.2% licensing of embedded software and 10.5% RFID and tracking.


Which of the following do you think is the primary benefit of Industrial IoT?  37% Operational efficiency gains; 18% Business process automation: 14% Enhanced IT insight and analytics capabilities; 10% User and customer experience. Speaking of monetisation, 53.5% believe IIoT is focussed on making existing assets more efficient, 40.5% believe it’s all about generating revenue channels through new and improved services, while just 6% believe IIoT is primarily focussed on minimising losses.
