
物聯網-LPWA 網路的動向

最近,關注物聯網的人會發現鴻海投資了法國公司也加入了Lora alliance這家推動低功率物聯網的聯盟。下周即將在上海舉行的MWC(世界移動大會)的物聯網論壇, LPWA(Low Power Wide Area networking technologies)也成為主目的焦點。本文分享幾篇報導的摘要LPWA初步了解:

Machina reseach 在今年2月發布的新聞過去 18 個月, Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) 受到許多矚目,  Sigfox得到NTT DoCoMo, SK Telecom & TelefónicaUSD115 million資金, Neul 被華為併購,  Semtech’s LoRa alliance 成立。 該公司提到他們預估2023年前將有30億裝置聯上LPWA網路這數量對行動電話網路的依賴明顯減少很多。目前已經有許多公司在推廣與研發相關的服務包括Amber Wireless, Coronis, Huawei’s CIoT, LoRa, M2M Spectrum Networks, NWave, On-Ramp Wireless, Senaptic, Sigfox, Weightless,等等公司。
這種網路滿足許多M2M應用的特性, (1) Low cost communications modules (USD1, 比起3G/4G模組便宜許多); (2) Low bandwidth communications (資訊量如GPS 位置,每次 100B,全月在100MB以內); (3) Long battery lives ( AA 電池都可以使用承超過10); (4) Wide area coverage (可以涵蓋5X5平方公里的範圍).

Huawei 提出 LTE-M ( 4G specification developed for machine connectivity), 他的目的在提供low power (10-year battery life), long-life machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity chipset 讓單一 cell聯到 10萬個IoT 裝置(相對的4G cell只能連結 1千個 IoT 裝置). 他的技術來自 Neul (2014年花2500萬美金併購已經在英國測試)

Neul Ltd. was founded in 2010 and has raised $18.8 million in three rounds from four investors. The small startup was founded to put TV white spaces -- those channels in the 400MHz to 800MHz frequency ranged freed up in the digital transition -- to use to deliver broadband to rural areas and offload wireless traffic in urban regions. It has since been talking up the white spaces primarily for M2M connections, as well as building up its reputation as an M2M platform provider.

NeulNET comprises every element which an operator needs to provide a scalable, secure, resilient and economical service offering, enabling them to capitalize on the huge 'Internet of Things' opportunity. This includes:
    NeulNET Connected Device Platform (CDP) which provides cloud-based services for managing service levels, authentication and billing together with device management. 
    NN2510 base station for network rollout.
    NT1001 terminal modules incorporating Neul’s Iceni RF transceiver chip.
BT Plc, the largest wholesale operator in Europe, is conducting initial technical assessments of the NeulNET system.

IBM's announcement that it was exploring LPWA capability, in cooperation with Semtech Corp. (Nasdaq: SMTC), and was participating in the recently formed LoRa Alliance . The Alliance is dedicated to driving the global success of the LoRa protocol (LoRaWAN) in LPWA networks. IBM is combining LoRa wireless sensor networks with its Long Range Signaling and Control (LSRC) software and its IoT Foundation cloud-hosted service, to enable large-scale M2M deployments.
It appears that the LPWA train is about to leave the station, and, if the mobile operators don't get on board, then John Chambers at Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO) may well be right in his prediction that "40% to 50% of service providers over the next decade will probably become irrelevant."

Mobile World Congress 2015 -- Cisco CEO John Chambers says that the seismic shifts engendered by a move to a fully digital economy will shake up more than just service providers and tech companies but also will be felt by governments and their citizens around the world. "Forty to 50% of service providers over the next decade will probably become irrelevant," he predicted. Innovative service providers, he stated, will take the opportunity to work with government to find ways to deliver broadband to every citizen.

Prodip Sen, CTO of the Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) business unit at HP, talks to Light Reading founder and CEO Steve Saunders about the four stages of the NFV journey.

New Vendor Requirements for the NFV Era 未來的IOT網路未必要放在自己的機房而可能放在遠端機房.當然資安的問題會是最大的障礙。
