
The Game -人際交往賽局(2)

1.Smaile when you walk into a room. See the group with the target, approach then within 3 seconds.
2.Recite a memorized opener.
3.Open the group, not only the target. Ignore the target most of time.
4.Neg the target when she want to attract your attention.
5.Use magic, stories, anecdotes and humor. Pay attention to the men or ugly women and ignore the target. Show your photo or screen to others except the target.
6. Neg the target again. If she wants to see your photo or screen, ask others to neg her. 
7.Ask the group how they get together and test if the target has a serious relationship with someone. 
8.If the target is available, or she is not spoken for the group. Ask the group if you can speak to her for a couple of minutes.
9. Isolate her from the group and tell her to show her special things.Take her to other seat and try to hold her hands. First test.
10. Sit with her and perform some demonstration or fortune-telling game to fascinate and intrigue her.
11. Ask her what she has inside and list some qualities deserving your approach. Second test.
12. Stop talking. If she starts to say "so..", that means she gives a positive signal. Third test.
13. Kiss close or get her number and then leave.

下圖是作者建議的一些開場白, 從目標的身上特徵開始損他,然後製造孤立與幽默。

(下圖來自:The Game,作者: Neil Strauss, 第37頁)
