
How to play as a new leader?

Source: You are in Charge, Now what? The 8 point Plan. Yhomas J.Neff & James Citrin.

1. Effectively to manage your time.
- absorb as much information as possible.
- confirm the real challenge that company faces.
- create your credit and win the inluence.
- evaluate the incumbent team members.
- prepare your mindset to take in charge.

2.Learn fast!
- speed up your learning curve and adjust to the new situation.
- build up a team to re-assemble the overall picture of now and future.
- learn what it is and what you expect it will be.

3. Visit smart observers or key men to get advices or complaints.
- listen to the voices from customers, top management, shareholders, peers.
- ask any stupid and basic questions to collect the root reasons or fundamental problem.

4. write down the top priority issues.
- summarize the top priority issues from diferent point of views.
- focus on what you may take actions soon and sketch the plot plan.

5. don't give any vision or long term startegy too early.
- to win the trust over customers, vendors and employees first.
- give them your priciples, guidelines, management policy first.
- set a rule and a direction to go ahead, not a vision.

6. Clarify the expectation of your team.
- what do you think is kept going on?
- what do you expect me to do?
- what are you afraid of my doing?
- what are you afraid of my undoing?
- what do you think customer needs urgently?

7. Review yourself.
- do you have enough capability to do the job?
- what do you need to help you achieve the challenge?
- what is the weakness and strength in the situation?
- what do you need to improve?

8. Have a trsut partners or mentors.
- you need a consultant to help you verify the information you get.
- you need a friend to play the mirror to reflect your weakness or flaws.
- you need to see your blind points.

After all, you must consider the balance between your working life and your personal life. You should consider your family and your health.
