





 謝攸升請來昔日大學同學張倫維擔任業務總監,決定自己經營網路廣告。 張倫維和謝攸升看準了「情報可以左右產品銷量」的網友集結力量,可以讓眼中只有收視率、數據、刁鑽至極的美容廠商願掏腰包買廣告,於是FashionGuide決定推出新的網路廣告行銷模式,凸顯網友的參與力和影響力。 




economist 報導行動廣告未來趨勢

The next big thing

Marketers hail the mobile phone as advertising's promised land
Oct 4th 2007 | From the print edition

ADVERTISING on mobile phones is a tiny business. Last year spending on mobile ads was $871m worldwide according to Informa Telecoms & Media, a research firm, compared with $24 billion spent on internet advertising and $450 billion spent on all advertising. But marketing wizards are beginning to talk about it with the sort of hyperbole they normally reserve for products they are paid to sell. It is destined, some say, to supplant not only internet advertising, the latest fad, but also television, radio, print and billboards, the four traditional pillars of the business.

At the moment, most mobile advertising takes the form of text messages. But telecoms firms are also beginning to deliver ads to handsets alongside video clips, web pages, and music and game downloads, through mobiles that are nifty enough to permit such things. Informa forecasts that annual expenditure will reach $11.4 billion by 2011. Other analysts predict the market will be as big as $20 billion by then.

The 2.5 billion mobile phones around the world can potentially reach a much bigger audience than the planet's billion or so personal computers. The number of mobile phones in use is also growing much faster than the number of computers, especially in poorer countries. Better yet, most people carry their mobile with them everywhere—something that cannot be said of television or computers.

Yet the biggest selling point of mobile ads is what marketing types call “relevance”. Advertisers believe that about half of all traditional advertising does not reach the right audience. Less effort (and money) is wasted with online advertising: half of it is sold on a “pay-per-click” basis, which means advertisers pay only when consumers click on an ad. But mobile advertising through text messages is the most focused: if marketers use mobile firms' profiles of their customers cleverly enough, they can tailor their advertisements to match each subscriber's habits.

Source: economist


How to build up business model & strategy?

How to build up business model & strategy?
1. Business model: value chain.[價值主張] to[通路] to [客戶關係] & [客戶區隔] to[收入]
[價值主張] from [產出活動] from [夥伴關係] & [關鍵資源] from[成本]
2. Major building blocks:
[價值主張] Value proposition: 哪些差異化屬性? 哪些產品或服務滿足那些客戶需求? 自己或外包或策略合作提供新價值?
[客戶區隔] Customer segment: 哪些區隔特性? 每個的獲利性與成長性?
[客戶關係] Customer relationship: 客戶的關係強度? 掌握的資訊深度與個人化程度? 客戶分級? 不同級客戶所花的時間與成本? 忠誠度管理?
[通路] Channel: 哪些溝通與接觸管道? 通路運作的成功率與效率? 通路整合程度? 給那些客戶/產品? 低貢獻客戶低通路成本?
[收入] Revenue stream: 每個區隔的訂價與收入佔比? 永續性? 過度依賴少數來源? 交叉銷售? 開發新收入來源?
[關鍵資源] Key resource: 你擁有哪些能力/資源(質與量)? 給那些客戶/產品或行動? 浪費資源在不重要處? 哪些可以節省或取代? 還需要取得哪些?
[產出活動] Key activities: 你有從事哪些活動(生產研發設計)? 為那些產品/客戶? 活動的成效? 那些自做或外包? 那些可精簡?
[夥伴關係] Partner network: 哪些夥伴/供應商? 創造那些價值給那些客戶/產品? 依賴度? 關係深淺? 是敵是友?
[成本] Cost structure: 成本主要花在那些資源/行動? 一次性投資或經常性費用? 與那些區隔/產品/收入相關? 如何精實(lean)?
3. Strategy linking these building blocks:
[Arena] : 那些 [價值主張] 給那些 [客戶區隔]? 獲取那些 [收入] ?
[Vehicle] : 如何取得 [關鍵資源] 或 [夥伴關係]? 需投入哪些 [成本] ?
[Differentiator] : 如何創造差異化的 [價值主張] ? 有差異化的 [通路]、[產出活動] 或 [客戶關係/體驗]?
[Staging] : 如何快速且有效達成?
[Economic Logic] : 從[收入] 與 [成本] 計算ROI。
4. Strategy follows the three steps.
Where am I? ;
Where do I want to go?
Which way do I need to go to get there?
5. Process of going for growth strategy and business model:
[深入檢討每個building block]

Source: D.C.Hambrick <5 element strategy>; A. Osterwalder <9 building blocks of business model>



This is the summary of a speech I listened to today. It is interesting!
Accountability is a basic concept and powerful tool to manage self, lead team or orga, execute and get results! It is important to get results rather than to get reasons or excuses.
For example, NTU adopts accountability as its core value. TAIDA:Teamwork, Accountability, Integrity, Diligence, Ambition!
Accountability is not responsibility. The former is committed to others and accountable for results, but the latter is committed to oneself and responsible to the execution of his given task. The former has the obligation to deliver the outcome (积效)not only output(苦劳), but the latter has obligation to act or product the output.
The responsibilty covers oneself territory, but the accountability covers white space beyond responsible territory.
Key summary of the speech:
3P: purpose-clarify role and responsibility; process-essense, structure, application & tool (ARCI); products-communication, building and application of accountability.
ARCI model of organization accountability owns 4 roles: accountable people, responsible people, consulted people and informed people. People A is the owner holding full accountability. He should command and cover all the progression of people Rs who are the doers. People C may be the boss who sets the goal and makes the decision for people A. People Is may be the downstreams to be informed after a decision is made.
Personal accountability is a passion to do more to get results. The passion will encorge anyone to cover white area and mind other's business as his own business.
Accountability factor will be enlarged by multiple times.
If anyone has less accountability in job, he may have less accountability in his family and his social relationship. If his accountability factor is 0.6 in job, family, personal growth and so on, its accountability will become 0.6x0.6x..... The result will become empty. Finally, the person will take his victim and ask "why me"?
If anyone will not like to become a victim in the long run, he must take accountability from the beginning. That is, anyone should be responsible to his current and future situation. Any failure or frustraction must happen due to his lower accoutability level before.
To sum up, anyone should be accountable for his organization, team and himself. The objective of accountability is to get results. Without any excuses or reasons, anyone must get results! That is it!






Disruptive innovation

在佛羅里達: 克里斯汀生演講破壞式創新。 大師講的精髓是: innovate in the part of customer need that is not good enough.


 The concept came from the book: Innovator's dilemma. The content of the book is as below.

In Gratitude.......................................................vii
PART ONE: WHY GREAT COMPANIES CAN FAIL...............................1
1 How Can Great Firms Fail? Insights from the Hard Disk
Drive Industry...................................................3
2 Value Networks and the Impetus to Innovate....................29
3 Disruptive Technological Change in the Mechanical
Excavator Industry..............................................61
4 What Goes Up, Can't Go Down...................................77
5 Give Responsibility for Disruptive Technologies to
Organizations Whose Customers Need Them........................101
6 Match the Size of the Organization to the Size of the
7 Discovering New and Emerging Markets.........................147
8 Performance Provided, Market Demand, and the Product
Life Cycle.....................................................165
9 Managing Disruptive Technological Change: A Case Study.......187
10 The Dilemmas of Innovation: A Summary.......................207
About the Author...................................................227


Yahoo! Go for Mobile 2.0

Yahoo issued a slew of press releases today, at CES, all about their mobile Internet services. The main news is the launch of Yahoo! Go for Mobile 2.0 (now available for java-based handsets) and Yahoo! oneSearch. This comes on the back of recent initiatives by Google, which appears to be leading the Mobile Internet and search space right now - over half of US users go to Google for mobile search, according to M:Metrics, with Yahoo in second place. So, not to be outdone, Yahoo has ramped up its Go brand for mobile and introduced the new oneSearch product - which essentially creates an on-the-fly portal page for each search query.

Yahoo also made several joint announcements with key operator and device manufacturer partners, related to the two product launches: with Nokia, Opera, Blackberry (RIM), Samsung and 3 Group. In addition, Yahoo says it is working with Sony on a release for "BRAVIA Internet Video Link", one of Sony's new digital home initiatives.

Go 2.0 beta

The launch of the beta version of Yahoo! Go for Mobile 2.0 introduces a new mobile-optimized search UI and product design. The main design feature is the iPod-like "carousel", which allows you to navigate around the various Yahoo! Go widgets.

The Yahoo! Go 2.0 beta is being promoted via a partnership with Motorola's new MOTORAZR maxx V6 and MOTORAZR V3xx devices. Beginning in the first half of 2007, Yahoo! Go 2.0 will be pre-loaded on select new mobile devices from Motorola. Yahoo! Go 2.0 is also available to download onto "more than 70 other mobile devices from major manufacturers worldwide and use it on most wireless networks."


As of now, Yahoo! oneSearch is available only on the Yahoo! Go for Mobile 2.0 beta. However according to the press release, by the end of January 2007 Yahoo! plans to have oneSearch available across all their Mobile Web and SMS services. As well, Yahoo! oneSearch will roll out in additional country and language versions in the coming months. More details at the Y! Search Blog.

Mobile Internet Search Hots Up

As mentioned at the top of this post, Google is currently leading the charge in the Mobile Internet search space, with various international mobile deals inked (particularly inn Asia, where mobile is very big) and an apparent lead in the behind-the-times US mobile market. So these announcements by Yahoo are in a sense a game of catch-up, at least in public perception. Expect there to be many more announcements and improvements in mobile search before the year is out though, from Yahoo, Google and MSN.

Source: http://readwrite.com/2007/01/08/yahoo_mobile_ces07#awesm=~opfWDUEfJL0NRd












On Aug 30 of 1997, at the Saturday mid-night, Diana died.
Sunday morning,
Blaire called Queen who was taking vacation outside London.
Many residents came to Palace to put flowers.
Blaire gave a speech to appeal that Diana was the People’s princess.
Prince Charles brought back Diana’s body by Air Royal One.
Royal affairs decided to hold a public funeral on next Saturday.
Queen thought what was the definition of “a good mother”, after she talked with Prince Charles.
People claims Palace to hold half flag for Diana. Royal did not think so.
Blaire called Queen that she should come back to London and Palace should hold a half flag, and Queen did not agree.
Blaire was smart enough not to argue with Queen and said he would support any decision that Queen made.
Queen said she understood the characters of English, so she emphasized dignity and gravity.
Queen drove a jeep outside and her jeep broke out on a stream. She felt helpless and thought the words of Blaire.
News Headline: Where is our Queen and where is her flag?
The poll survey showed that 70% of people supported to abandon the kingdom constitution and 25% of people supported to stop the royal family.
Blaire called Queen that she should come back to London soon, hold the half flag, come to see Diana and give an open speech.
Queen hesitated and then agreed.
Queen came to Palace to see the crowd and gave a public speech.
In her speech, she showed her empathy of people’s grief and she invited every people to attend the funeral of Diana on Saturday.
Debrief the story as two topics. First, politicians should know and follow what most people care and want. Secondly, the society is so realistic that people will disgust you with a little fault even though you have had greatest contribution since before.



S.O.A.R.model to describe accomplishment.
•"S" or the Situation:
–The situation (briefly) provides the context for the specific accomplishment you want to talk about.
•"A" or the Actions:
–The actions describe specific actions you took to remedy the situation or capitalize on the opportunity.
•"R" or the Results:
– the probable results
•"O" or the Obstacles:
–The obstacle describes why the situation was particularly problematic or thorny. It describes why your accomplishment deserves even greater kudos.of of your accomplishment is in the results. This is where the value of your solution is demonstrated.


SQ $ more creative

10 Locks to creative thinking:
1. The Right Answer ;
2. That's Not Logical ;
3. Follow the Rules ;
4. Be Practical ;
5. Play Is Frivolous ;
6. That`s Not My Area
7. Avoid Ambiguity ;
8. Don't Be Foolish
9. To Err Is Wrong ;
10.I'm Not Creative

SQ(spiritual intelligence 精神智能)
–How You Can Be More Creative, Von Oech (1983),
–Vision (格局要大,設定產業的標竿)
–Holism (全面性考量,不要零散)
–Field independent (專業性判斷,不人云亦云)
–Asking fundamental “why” question (反省)
–Reframing (突破窠臼,開拓新機會)
–Using & thriving on adversity (逆境成長)
•By Dana Zohar