
innovation notes

three types of innovations

sustaining    create highervalue
efficiency    costdown
disruptive - newmarket

innovators dilemma
take the first two or the last one
HBR, 1995, disruptive technologies, catching the wave

core competence, competing for the future
2004, the future of competition (co-creating unique value with customers)
2004, the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid (eradicating poverty through profits0
2008, the new age of innovation
N=1,and R=G are going to be the pattern of the future; Internet, Millions of consumers have their personalized page on the same platform.
Resources are global.

P&G connect & develop
open innovation
2000 julia birkinshaw management innovation lab
2002, HBR, open market innovation, Darrell Rigby & Chris Zook
2003, henry chesbrough open innovation: the new imperative for creating and profiting from technology
2006, chesbrough: open business models: how to thrive  in the new innovative landscape
2011, chesbrough: open service innovation, rethink your business to grow and compete in a new era
: vertical integration is the main stream for big companies

Matt Kingdon:the science of serendipity 挖寶how to unlock the promise of innovation in large organizations.
5 elements of Kingdon's theory:
protagonist - key man, lead player
quest for innovation-
making it real
collision course
battling the corporate machine

2009, 高文達雷簡 Chris Trimble, HBR, how GE is disrupting itself
2012, reverse innovation
the rule for strategic innovators
the other side of innovation
reverse innovation

three rules for innovation:
to create a dedicated team that is separate from the core.
to work in partnership with the performance engine of the company, core competence.
don't judge the innovation team based on its results,instead on its ability to learn.

不是臭鼬計畫 skunkworks that is to isolate the dedicated team.

radical innovation, NOT incrementalism or retrenchment
the end of management
leading the revolution
strategos (his consulting office)

leading innovation
rob goffee & gareth jones, clever,

心流 flow
遊戲性 playfulness
團結精神 togetherness

Roger martin
IDEO (bill moggridge,1960 created)

tom kelly, the art of innovation

wallace donham & kent lineback, being the boss
wallace donham ,becoming a manager

renee mauborgne, Kim, blue ocean strategy

2000, all the right moves, a guide to crafting breakthrough strategy
2005, fast second,how smart companies bypass radical innovation to enter and dominate new markets
2008, game changing strategies, how to create new market space in established industries by breaking the rules

4 types of innovation:
business model

5 questions for two business models in the same industrial environments
