
IoT operational total cost analysis by link labs

最近做了一篇webnar 分析IOT的成本、含硬、軟、連网的成本、分析的很细、值得参考

1. customer supplied connectivity, 
bluetooth from sensor to phone then wifi from phone to server.
the key issue is the security.
data usagecis around 1 k bytes per msg. it includes around 900 bytes of HTTP TCP session overhead.

2. vendor managed network private lorawan or symphony link

3. operator networks like LoraWan, Sigfox, LTE M1 and NB IoT. 

These technology can replace the WIFi to have security connection and reduce th overhead.

Regarding these technology, the writer analyzes the status in US market.
LTE M1 is provided by at&t, verizon.
Sigfox exists in some spots.
Lora existes in east and west coasts. Comcast is pilot run a MachineQ as LoraWan
Rpma is a cdma 2.4Ghz solution provided by ingenu that exists in some spots.
symphony link is another technology provided by Link Labs that is mixed on Lora technology and bluetooth. It is the focus of the webnar. Its module cost is usd 15 but the mothly fee is around 0.25 per MB.

The report analyze some use cases to calculate the unit cost per month for asset tracking, metering

Cost per unit per month for three year amortization.
See the cost of tracker,  meter,  thermosat as example.
lte m1  5.80, 4.64, 5.69
nb iot  7.28, 2.31,7.17
sigfox  2.67, 2.5, 2.56
lora      2.72, 2.56, 2.61
above including 
for trackers, hardware without radio by 30, devlopmen cost 200, radio cost are separately as 45,42,40,42. connectivity cost for a message per 15 minutes are based on the usages, normally nbiot is highest aound 200, lte m1 is around 144, others are 36. similar models for meter and thermosat whose hardware cost 24, 26. radio costs are similar. thermosat messages are sent like trackers. meter messages are sent once per day.

The company suggests the soluion of symphony link, which uses gata to build a local lan for sensors so as toreduce the cost.

The breakdown of the cost may be line below.
bluetooth cost 10 , gateway cost 500, development cost 200, 
monthly fee per gateway 15.
every gateway can manage 100 sensors through bluetooth.
So the monthly cost per month per unit is 0.68.

這篇文章分享的概念是未來的IOT网路應該走gateway 的一對多架構才能省錢, 若有5萬個sensors, 
這五種技術每月的費用分別是Lte m1 870萬、nb iot 1090萬、sigfox 407 萬、lorawan 408萬、symphony link 102萬
