
IBM 認知科技 100字算出人格特質

這是IBM認知科技的一種應用,透過你在Twitter 所使用的文字,只要輸入100個字,就可以分析出你的人格特質,跟中國人看字跡算命有異曲同工之妙




You are inner-directed, unconventional and informal.

You are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself. 

You are consistent: you enjoy familiar routines and prefer not to deviate from them. 

And you are solemn: you are generally serious and do not joke much.

You are motivated to seek out experiences that provide a strong feeling of stability.

You are relatively unconcerned with both achieving success and independence. You make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. And you welcome when others direct your activities for you.

How did we get this?

You are likely to______

like musical movies

be sensitive to ownership cost when buying automobiles

have experience playing music

You are unlikely to______

like country music

be influenced by social media during product purchases

prefer style when buying clothes
