
embedded SIM discussion


Gemalto learnings
it claims it is the biggest Mobile security vendor.
1.it works,
2.vendors are willing to participate in interoperability
3.interoperability is a mandatory session for vendor implementation test, but the test passing is not enough to ensure interoperability
4.feedback to GSMA for tech spec maintence of M2M, ex implementation procedures, ex. SM SR SMS addressing

The success depends on the three parties, SIm vendor, modem vendor, MNO.

What is ghe life after PoC?
POC is passed on the three.
SM SR swap,
spec interpretation
prove the interoperability

real life.
m2m wireless module  compatibility
environmental compatibility

system integration, maturity, industrialization.

modem has a strong impact like eUicc behavior , MVNO
SM feature has impact like APN mgt, modem firmware priority mgt

end to end test is needed, like session with OEM or modem 
, like various conditions lower power, like cross bounder situation例如要OTA遇到信号边界

business process to remote sim provision in m2m 2015.2 第一版、現在第-一版修正將在近期推出
document structure, architecture, platform deployment approach, deployment model, and process description.
documeng process, includes operators transfer, swap operationrocess, fallback process

2000 changes of users every week now in UK.
Vodafone needs a clear framework for SIM transfer process 

如果要做eSlM, 最重要仍是知道客戶的需求,客戶的modem spec, 客戶用的SM的版本, 流程、人員、技術
biz objectives, 
improve process efficiency, agility
improve competitiveness
increase custoner experience responsiveness,
standarize data modem,

HPE approach to define ghd biz model
strategy definition, market analysis, solution definition, biz case n roadmap plan, GTM strategy, roadmap execution

interoperability , spec. 
biz process, common understood, then contract for special terms
op process, tech execution and user workflow, checklist ...tech approach for biz process, form or checklist template for operators.

不同業者对liability 的要求

就eulcc本身已認証、接下來是end to end activity 的驗証
embedded SIM comformance with GSMA standard
vendor activity to test
GSMA admin to certify the activity 
GSMA will publicing the vendor certified
